Celebrating the Power of Women United

Bold Horizons

By Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director - United Way of Charlotte County

I am always inspired by women coming together to empower one another and make a difference in our community. When I see women volunteers working side by side, sharing their talents and selflessly giving their time, I know a measurable impact is being made. At United Way of Charlotte County (UWCC), we are so grateful for the countless ladies who show up to serve time and time again, many of whom are part of our thriving affinity group Women United.  

Since its Charlotte County inception in 2016, Women United has merged the passion and skill sets of many wonderful individuals who share a common goal of helping others in need. It began with a core group of women professionals as they met to decide what role the group would take and what it would look like. Investing in programs focused on women and their families was the focus. From the start, Women United was well received, with volunteers coming from a variety of careers and backgrounds. The group’s first annual lunch was held in 2017 under the oaks in a very kind supporter’s backyard with a group just shy of 100 women celebrating women.

That afternoon, it was clear to me how when we collaborate lives are forever changed. In 2019, the Kids Thrive - Circle of Parents peer group became the Women United platform. We continue to support these parents through times of adversity, helping them toward their bold horizons with monetary investments, pantry and clothing drives, always with an eye toward literacy and kindergarten readiness. These brave women seek to overcome the most difficult of barriers as they work toward health and well-being for themselves and their families.

Looking ahead into 2024, I couldn't be more pleased to announce that on January 16 an estimated 200 guests will gather at Laishley Pavilions for the 8th Annual Women United Lunch themed “Bold Horizons”. The day’s Keynote Speaker will be Kelly J. Evans of Smugglers Enterprises, Inc. Foundation. Event sponsor Smuggler’s Enterprises, Inc. operates several restaurants, including local favorites Harpoon Harry’s and Laishley Crab House, as well as a catering service and event management company well known throughout Charlotte County. In addition to working in events, Kelly J. Evans oversees the company’s foundation, which gives back a portion of corporate daily proceeds to the community it serves.

Event chair Julie Lang said Evans exemplifies the luncheon theme which was chosen as a vision for the future. Lang asserts it is through charity efforts and volunteerism that citizens can transform neighborhoods for the better. This is Lang’s second year serving on the Women United Lunch committee, a role she happily accepted as an opportunity to get to know more people upon moving back to Charlotte County after being away for several years.  As a health and lifestyle coach, she believes strongly in women supporting women whether in times of victory or adversity. The faces of Women United are, she says, the very thread of our community. “As women, regardless of what stage we are at in life, or the story we have unfolding…… it is women helping women that lift each other up,” Lang said. 

All of us at UWCC want to thank the entire event committee, Julie Lang, Kelly Carr, Alexia Martin-Comber, Kelly Pomerville, Shannon Vianello, Geri Waksler, and Lori Weisensee, collaborating with Jill Swan from our staff. They all have worked tirelessly to make this year's lunch a wonderful celebration of the strength and resilience of Charlotte County women. 

Come to be inspired. See how you are empowered. Learn how Women United works to transform our community.  To purchase your tickets or for more information, visit unitedwayccfl.org/lunch


For more information about United Way of Charlotte County’s mission:  Mobilizing the power of our community to break the cycle of poverty, please contact Angie Matthiessen, Executive Director. She can be reached at director@unitedwayccfl.org.