Health and Wellness
- Improve mental, physical, and behavioral health for vulnerable families and seniors
- Ensure vulnerable families and seniors establish and maintain a nutritional foundation for long term health and wellness
Community Goals:
- Increase stakeholder and agency awareness of the impacts of toxic stress on families
- Increase awareness of and access to nutritional food sources
Community Collaboration:
Cross-Sector Partners + Innovation = IMPACT
At United Way of Charlotte County, we believe in collaboration. That is why we are engaging partners within our community to align resources and provide innovative solutions to some of the community’s most critical challenges. We are reimagining a future where more people live to their fullest potential. With your support, we are driving results not just for today, but for tomorrow. The programs highlighted in these videos focus on preventative solutions for lasting change that will lift up a life, a family, and ultimately a community.
OUR community.
Kids Thrive!
Partners: Drug Free Charlotte County, Charlotte County Healthy Start Coalition, The Early Learning Coalition of Florida's Heartland, The Florida Center - Healthy Families Charlotte, The Boys & Girls Clubs of Charlotte County and Charlotte Players - Charlotte County Imagination Library
Innovation: Fostering early literacy and access to developmental resources for children exposed to early childhood trauma (many who are born substance-exposed) to help prepare them to succeed in school. This collaboration uses a two-generation approach, working with parents and caregivers before a child is even born to encourage development of not only the child but also of the family unit.